Level indicator, display panel for two tanks in motorhome, caravan, expedition vehicle or boat - 12V / PT 722
✅ 2 tanks | ✅ OLED display | ✅ Installation or surface-mounted possible
Varianten-ID 97566
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CBE level indicator PT722
Connection of 2 tanks | OLED display
Convenient and simple monitoring of liquid levels, such as fresh, grey and black water as well as fuel, in caravans, motorhomes, boats or expedition vehicles helps you to enjoy your trip or holiday in a relaxed and carefree manner. By using sensors and monitoring systems, you can check the current fill level of these tanks at any time. Reliable monitoring of the fill levels gives you peace of mind, allowing you to act in good time and avoid bottlenecks.
CBE level indicator PT722
This display panel helps you to monitor up to two tanks. The fill levels are displayed in percentages from 0-100%. The display works in 5% increments. When the panel is not in use, the display can be used at a lower brightness. You can set the brightness of the display yourself and adjust it to your personal requirements. The maximum brightness is restored by briefly pressing a button. It is also possible to switch off the control panel completely. This can be particularly useful at night if you want to minimise the light sources.
If no second tank is connected, this is also not a problem, as only the value of tank 1 is shown on the display. The system has a maximum consumption of 0.01A. The display panel can be mounted in the wall or on the wall using the spacer supplied. If mounted in the wall, a cut-out with a diameter of 50mm must be made.
This display works with the following sensors, which are available separately.
- SuperSense level sensor up to 75cm with Bluetooth / app function
- SuperSense SOLID IP67 level sensor up to 75cm with Bluetooth / app function - splash-proof
- SuperSense laser level sensor up to 200cm with Bluetooth / app function
- CBE probes model SPE/...
Scope of delivery
- CBE display panel PT722
- 2 x 4m connection cable for sensors
- Of course, you can also obtain a German operating manual from us in the download area
Further helpful tips can be found in our FAQ questions/answers page under the following link FAQ.
Level indicator PT 722
AL-KO Vehicle Technology Electronics S.r.l.
Via Vienna 4
38121 Trento
Varianten ID
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<div class="pdf"> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hlqnngg8xdw4wsinwumcz/PT722_Bedienungsanleitung_it_en_fr_de_19.06.2024.pdf?rlkey=hf61804qgodj6qufflktd57pk&dl=0"_blank">Manuel PT722</a> </div>
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