Info Panel Pro 12V, Control and information unit for motorhome and boat
Combined Control of Tank and Battery, collating the most important functions and information in a user-friendly manner in one unit.
Varianten-ID 15400
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Info Panel Pro 12V, Control and information unit for motorhome and boat
Combined control of Tank and Battery, Main switch, water pump switch
for RV, camper, caravan, boat
From the establishment on the market, the Info panel Pro has proved to be successful, and now its functions had been extended. It is very much in demand, since it takes over the most important control and switching tasks in the camper. Moreover, it is designed particularly compact. The unit controls the fresh water tank, the sewage water tank, the feces tank, as well as the board battery and the starter battery. Besides, it is equipped with a main switch for the board battery and a pump main switch for the fresh water supply. Of course, both units are equipped with activation control.
The board and starter battery can be supervised by means of the voltage display on the left side of the Info Panel Pro. The luminous spot display supplies a quite precise display of the battery voltage rates, since also the intermediate values are well legible due to the different brightness of the adjacent luminous spots. At the push of a button, the voltage of board or starter battery can be selected, or the display can be switched-off. In case of low battery voltage rates, red pilot lamps indicate that soon battery recharging is required.
The tank levels are represented in form of clearly arranged luminous bars with 10 lightemitting diodes in three colours allowing that the tank levels can be read conveniently at a glance. The displays are working continuously, since intermediate results are displayed in variable brightness. Thus, also tendencies can be recognised at once. During refuelling and defuelling of the tanks, the continuously raising or dropping display shows a direct image of the instantaneous level allowing complete control of the procedure. Also the continuous operation of the display contributes to this control. At the touch of a button, the display can be switched-on or -off, or it is switched-off automatically after approx. 10 minutes. The standard tank display on the right side of the Info Panel Pro additionally can be switched to two measuring inputs (e. g. sewage water and feces tank). Please choose for each used tank display one of the VOTRONIC Tank Transmitters according to tank volume, tank height and mounting possibility at the tank from the selection table measuring sensors on page 24. Tank displays, which are not required (such as feces) are simply left free.
The Info Panel Pro is protected against reverse battery and overload. The connections are easily accessible and the free ends are labelled and equipped with 6.3 mm flat connectors (power supply connections) and pluggable terminal screws (signal connections).
Detailed installation and operating manual, as well as drilling jig for the furniture cutout are included in the standard delivery scope. The small dimensions of the front panel and the particularly small mounting depth of only 15 mm allow an installation at almost any location. Storage space, which might be located behind, can be used further. When being switched-off, unit and tank transmitter are completely dead. For 12 V and 24 V operation.
![]() | Battery Voltage, 10 LED's shows the voltage of the board and a start battery | ![]() | Level Indicator, 10LED's show the level for the fresh water, gray water and black water tank |
![]() | Main Switch for direct loads supply (max. 16A) or via e.g. Part No. BP1224V100A | ![]() | Switch for fresh water pump max. 10A |
Connection options:
- starting battery voltage (pos.)
- board battery voltage (pos.)
- tank sensor fresh water (available as an option, see below)
- tank sensor gray water (available as an option, see below)
- tank sensor black water (available as an option, see below)
- relay switch for water pump (max. 10A)
- main switch load output (max. 16A) or via e.g. Part No. BP1224V100A
Depending on the requirements one of the follwing VOTRONIC Measuring Sensors can be used:
- Tank Electrode 12-24 K
- Tank Electrode 15-50 K
- Tank Electrode 20 K-WC
- Tank Sensor FL
- Tank Sensor 30-110 K-FL
Scope of delivery:
- Info Panel Pro VPP12
- 2pcs. 6,3mm Fast-on terminals yellow (for 4 mm² - 6 mm²)
- 1pcs. 6,3 mm Fast-on terminal blue (for 1 mm² - 2,5 mm²)
- 4 fastening screws
- Drill jig
- Of course you also get from us an instruction manual in English.
Further help you can find here: FAQ
- Nominal voltage: 12V DC
- Input voltage range: 10 - 16V DC
- Current Consumption: 0 - max. 50mA
- Switch output „5“ Tank +: 10V - 16V, max. 120 mA intern elektronisch abgesichert
- Main switch: max. 16A
- Pump switch: max. 10A
- Dimenssions (mm): 200 x 55 x 18
- Assembly Dimensions Opening Electronic System (mm): ca. 175 x 43
- Ambient Conditions, Humidity of Air: max. 95 % RH, no condensation
- Weight: ca. 100g
Votronic Elektronik-Systeme GmbH
Johann-Friedrich-Diehm-Str. 2
36341 Lauterbach
Varianten ID
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<div class="pdf"> <a href="">Manual</a> </div>
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