Pytes frame set / bracket for LiFePO4 storage V5°/ V5°α | 150208100001
✅ V5°/ V5°α battery holder | ✅ safe stacking of Pytes V5°/ V5°α memory modules | ✅ better heat dissipation
Varianten-ID 101118
Deutschland: §12 Abs. 3 UStG 2023, Österreich: §28 Abs. 62 UStG 1994
Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Nullsteuersatz für den Erwerb von Heimspeichersystemen & PV-Anlagen (auch Einzelteile daraus) folgende Voraussetzungen erfordert:
- Käufer und Anlagenbetreiber muss die gleiche Person sein
- Die Solaranlage muss wohnungsnah sein oder auf öffentlichen und anderen Gebäuden, die für dem Gemeinwohl dienende Tätigkeiten genutzt werden.
- Die Solaranlage darf 30 KW (Peak) nicht überschreiten
- Die Anlage muss in Deutschland installiert werden.
- Käufer unterliegt dem deutschen UstG
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Wählen Sie die Box 0% Steuer aus und setzen Sie den Haken bei "Bestätigung", sofern alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind. Legen Sie Ihre gewünschten Produkte wie gewohnt in den Warenkorb und schließen Sie Ihre Bestellung an der Kasse ab.
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ACHTUNG: Beim Erwerb des Produkts für die Installation in Reisemobilen oder Booten oder sonstigen Anwendungen die nicht mit einer Heimspeicheranlage in Verbindung stehen, darf der Nullsteuersatz nicht zum Ansatz kommen! !
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Pytes frame set / bracket for LiFePO4 storage 48V - 5kWh - Pytes storage V5°/ V5°α
optimal air circulation | up to six storage units can be stacked | easy installation | safe and stable
Area of application:
This frame set is used for simple but safe stacking of Pytes V5°/ V5°α storage modules. The clamps have a snap lock on the side, which connects them to each other and thus secures the memory modules. Furthermore, the clamps have a small hole at the bottom and a round peg at the top, which ensures that the individual clamps are securely positioned when stacked and prevents them from slipping.
Pytes has developed this battery holder to optimise the stacking of the V5°/ V5°α battery and reduce installation costs. You can use it for a single battery or for multiple storage packs. Compared to storage in a cabinet, the holder not only takes up less space, but the heat can also be dissipated better. We recommend using the frames for up to 6 storage modules on top of each other.
- Optimum air circulation
- Max. six V5°/ V5°α storage modules can be stacked
- Safe and stable
- Simple installation
Single battery:
To install the V5°/ V5°α cylinder, this set consists of 4 brackets, which are screwed to the cylinder for secure positioning. The installation is shown in the pictures. Please install the battery and the bracket horizontally to avoid scratching the insulating coating on the surface of the battery.
Multiple batteries:
If you want to install multiple batteries, follow the first step of installing the bracket on a single battery. The installation method is the same as described above. The second step involves installing the brackets on the second battery. There is a buckle on each bracket. After stacking the two batteries, the buckles of the upper and lower brackets must be locked. Proceed identically with the assembly of further brackets and batteries.
The base of the clamp is 35 mm high and the resulting distance ensures optimum air circulation.
This set consists of 4 individual brackets and the corresponding screws. One set of brackets is required for each battery to be stacked.
Scope of delivery:
- Pytes frame set / bracket for LiFePO4 storage V5°/ V5°α | 150208100001
- Mounting screws
Further helpful tips can be found in our FAQ questions/answers page under the following link: FAQ
- Material: Steel
- Weight: 2,200g
Pytes BV.
Molendijk-Zuid 23B
5482 WZ Schijndel
Varianten ID
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